1000+ Business Videos and 500 eLearning courses for learning English, leadership and communication skills, safety and wellbeing, service and professional development. (Review/buy here)
25+ Videos for schools and community health on children’s rights, teaching literacy and numeracy and sexual health. (Review/buy here) Review/buy here
Documentaries – Shadow of Doubt, Man on the Bus, and Undercurrent: Real Murder Investigation TV series.
Motivational Books – Published by Penguin co-written by motivational psychologist Eve Ash. Rewrite Your Life! and Rewrite Your Relationships!!
Podcast series – Who Killed Bob? on Spotify or Apple
Training events and keynotes – Eve Ash is a popular speaker for keynotes, MC, workshops or webinars. Topics range from leadership and motivation to careers and justice. (info@7dimensions.com.au for quote)
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