Video  Finder
What is and isn't Bullying & Harassment?
Duration: 4
Peter Quarry talks about the difference between bullying and harassment as well as how they contrast with unpleasantness. The former are unsolicited, persistent negative behaviors that intentionally target and threaten others. They cause people to lose sleep, and experience hypervigilance and physical symptoms (eg headaches). Unpleasantness is temporary. It can be caused by a difference of opinion, being frank about an issue or because of a bad mood.
Key Learning Points
Bullying is: - Persistent, repeated negative behavior directed at another person - A risk to health and safety - Deliberate – designed to hurt Harassment is - Unsolicited behavior - Upsetting - Intimidating - Targeting the other person on the basis of characteristic (race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation)Bullying is: - Persistent, repeated negative behavior directed at another person - A risk to health and safety - Deliberate – designed to hurt - Targeting the other person on the basis of characteristic (race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation)
Recommended Audiences
  • All staff
Distributed in the following format(s)
  • Stream
Available in the following language(s)
  • English
Media Type
 Video Recording
Presentation Style
  • Interview
Melbourne, Australia
Filming location
Melbourne, Australia
Release year
Copyright owner
Seven Dimensions
Seven Dimensions