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About Feedback

Q: How many people can I invite for feedback?
A: Maximum of five people, although three is usually enough for 360 degrees feedback (a colleague, a subordinate and a manager).
Q: How does it work?

A: Each Skill Indicator covers 20 skills, grouped into major skill clusters

  • Step 1: Buy a 'login code' from Seven Dimensions, which grants access to one skills indicator - any subject, any language.
  • Step 2: Go to,
  • Step 3: Choose subject, log in by entering login code and personal data
  • Step 4: Complete the questionnaire.
  • Step 5: Email others the questionnaire to complete, which is linked to the website
  • Step 6: The results of self assessment and feedback are presented on the 'Scores' page in a simple bar chart.
  • Step 7: By filling in and printing out an action plan, the 360 Degree feedback process is complete.

You have various sorting options. You can view the individual scores the feedback respondents gave and a graphical representation is available as well.

Q: Feedback entries can be identified by the initiator. Does this impact the honesty?
A: This might impact the candidness of answers, but there's no evidence to support that. The great benefit of this system is that participant and feedback giver can discuss issues openly.
Q: What is the potential for enabling confidential feedback?
A: There is an anonymous version, developed for clients who preferred not to use the regular version and have the feedback identifiable. The individual person still decides whom to invite for feedback but the feedback is only visible when at least three people have answered and without the names - so they know who gave the feedback but do not know who said what.
Q: Can the feedback only be accessed by the person initiating the instrument via the login code?
A: Yes, the instrument is devised that way. However, participants can give access to their results by giving their codes and passwords to their coach or trainer (the easiest way is to ask participants to use the login code as password too; that way, they only have to keep track of one 'code' per person, and then a designated person can have access to the full list). Alternatively, they can e-mail the graphic with their results to their trainer or coach. Some participants simply print out their results. For an additional fee the results can be extracted from the database and a report devised.
Q: Why aren't there any norms?
A: The Skill Indicators are not 'norm' based. With these instruments, a person rates his or her skill against his or her own belief of what is required. So, the norms or standards are job specific and based on the person's perception of the particular situation.

About Results

Q: How long do the results stay accessible online?
A: The results will be available for 12 months after the last login. So when a user logs in regularly, the results stay online indefinitely; the data will be removed to a backup database when there's been no activity for six months.
Q: Do they need to be sent away to be assessed?
A: No! They are user-friendly and have been developed so that they do not have to be sent away to be graded.
Q: How does the resulting profile come out?
A: You have various sorting options. You can view the individual scores the feedback respondents gave and a graphical representation is available as well. You can sort form hi to low and other options.
Q: Can average scores for groups, e.g. a specific team, be tabulated?
A: A team report can be created. This is a customized option and there will be an additional fee.
Q: If the above is achievable, can trends be monitored as the cycle continues?
A: Yes, as a customized option.

Other options

Q: Is it possible to have a customized website (perhaps because only some Indicators are relevant or with customized questionnaires)?
A: Yes, for a fee. The website design can be customized, as well as the questionnaires.

About login codes

Q: What does a login code give access to?
A: The login code gives access to one Skills Indicator of your choice; this includes the self-assessment questionnaire and the feedback questionnaires.
Q: I didn't get a password.
A: You can choose your own password of at least five characters; this is to protect the privacy of your results.
Q: I forgot my password / I get an error message 'incorrect password'.
A: Send an e-mail to with your login code and you'll receive your password by e-mail.
Q: I get an error message 'login code does not exist'.
A: Usually the problem is a typing error is the login code. The best way to avoid is this to copy and paste the code. Login codes delivered on paper are most 'recognizable' in the courier font.